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Senecio Peregrinus

Senecio Peregrinus ‘String of Dolphins’ | SucculentsGreener

Senecio peregrinus

Senecio Peregrinus

String of dolphins

Senecio peregrinus, a string of dolphins Senecio peregrinus scientific name is Senecio “Hippogriff “. Senecio peregrinus is usually known as a dolphin necklace, dolphin plant, string of dolphins, flying dolphins. Senecio peregrinus hails from the family Asteraceae, its subfamily is Asteroidea, and the species is Senecionea and belongs to the genus Senecio.

A string of dolphins is from the curio articulatus, and a line of dolphins previously called Senecio articulatus and curio rowleyanus previously called Senecio rowleyanus. Senecio peregrinus is a dazzling plant of succulent and its leaves are small; Senecio peregrinus increases to 6 inches in height. The Senecio peregrinus becomes a great plant to them when the leaves grow.

How to grow Senecio peregrinus flowers grow tiny and white. The buds of this plant look like golden yellow filaments. This plant’s temperature needs to be from 9b to 11b or 25 degrees Fahrenheit to 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

A string of dolphins plants bare dullness and dryness. During that period, you need to moisture the leaves of dolphins to protect them from small folds. Use a full drain pot for a string of dolphins and take a vessel, which is just more significant than the plant.

Senecio Peregrinus Care and Propagation Information

How to Care Senecio Peregrinus?

It is excellent as a household plant. Senecio peregrinus is composed of mixed plants, and it adds power to an inlet setting gardener. The peregrinus exceptional leaves form rounded shape leaves. This plant needs less effort.

The plant needs the soil and water then only they survive. You need to moist the dolphin leaves in dry months. Senecio peregrinus formed by mixed pots to evolve marvel forms; usually, the plant does not appear. It produces leaves, which are green in colour, and its stems reached 6 inches tall.

The succulent plant is a knock in Japan, as gardener amazing to its unique form and has a jumping dolphin. It is harder to appear in nurseries. It does well as a houseplant; the succulent string of dolphin is easy to care for; the plant has diseases.

In few climate conditions, spider mites may cause rumpus as mealy bugs. A string of dolphins is usually cramped to fungus diseases and protects the plant by adequately watering and completely draining soil and a suitable vessel, which liberates more moisture.

Succulent grows well in rocky gardens. It does not tolerate coolness. Take the succulent vessel if the zone you live is about the temperature of 30 degrees Fahrenheit. It is easy to plant indoor.

How to Water?

A string of dolphins needs regular watering. Soak and dry processes are suitable for this plant. Remove the water, which is at the bottom of the vessel. The plant needs water once a week during its growing months. Water the plant only once a month when the plant loses its activeness.

A string of dolphins need indirect sunlight; when you grow it outdoors protects the plant from the sun burnt. Line of dolphin needs 6 hours of sunlight per day. It is best to choose South facing window, and it does well as a houseplant. A string of dolphins needs average sunlight indoors. You may use grow lights for Senecio peregrinus.

Light and Temperature

The string of dolphins grows well in lightly packed zones. Lines of dolphin are the fresh succulent; these succulents need the cultivation as the parent plant. Place the plant that gets indirect sunlight but bright light. The succulent tolerate the temperature up to 72 degrees Fahrenheit in the period of growth.

A string of dolphins loses its activeness during cooler months, and the plant needs a slightly cool temperature of about 50 to 55 degree Fahrenheit. Make the potting mix dry in every watering space and need water only once a week, and when it is losing its activeness, water the plant once a month.

How to Propagate?

Choose a solid fit leaf and pluck off the offsets from the parent plant using a sharp, sterile knife. Succulent is a tribe, and it falls its leaves quickly. If the plate of the Senecio peregrinus separates ere planting in another soil, leave the plant for a couple of days. The soil needs to soak correctly and does not allow to dry completely, allow the succulent to take its period to grow when it is rooted begin to visible.

Read more: How to Propagate succulents

How to fertilize String of dolphins?

Senecio peregrinus does not need to fertilize usually. Over fertilization may affect the leaves to lose their bright appearance and shape. Fertilize the plant by using water-soluble fertilizers.

How to Repot the String of dolphins?

Every few years, you need to re-pot the Senecio peregrinus to make the potting mix refresh and the plant’s size prominent. Use a container with drainage holes, and it is valuable, re-potting the plant to protect it from root rot. It does well in plastic and terracotta containers. It is best to prefer terracotta containers because it absorbs extra moisture, which is in the soil. It tolerates if the roots are not free. Make the plant lightly to be meat-free, the best way to bloom.

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Pradeep works as a gardener since 2015; currently, he worked as a blogger at He loves to write about succulents and many other unusual plant care and propagation tips.