how to care for succulents

How to Care for Succulents Indoors?

how to care for succulents indoors

Are you a beginner or ace in planting? You already take care of many trees, flowers, and vegetables. Planting succulents don’t need any particular skill, although the caring is similar to other plants except a few. You already know these plants survive high temperatures with low watering. So in this blog, we include some crucial topics. To complete the overall purpose of this writing on “how to care for succulents indoors.”

We will go through the following topics, which are typically important while taking care of succulents indoors.

how to care for succulents

The Sun Is Calling:

For succulents to grow to their natural best, it is important that they be exposed to enough direct sunlight. Precisely, succulents would need sunlight exposure for a minimum of 6 hours.

It is worth mentioning that to bring out the intense colour shades from succulents; they must get enough sunlight.

Even though succulents are capable of growing indoors, you need to make sure that your plant is placed near a window. In case you live in a place where it is difficult for you to offer enough sunlight to your succulent. Then an ideal way out would be to take assistance from artificial grow lights.

succulent in morning sunlight

Another point worth remembering here is that the nature of every succulent is different. Thus, the amount of sunlight required by a friend’s succulent may or may not be equivalent to the needs of your succulent. It will work in your interest to study the nature of your succulent before exposing it to the sun.

Likewise, succulents that have been newly planted should not be exposed directly to the sun. If you set your succulents in windows where sunlight comes across, A curtain may use to prevent the rays from directly falling on your plant.

The Right Choice Of Soil Is Mandatory:

If you wish you’re succulent to grow in line with your expectations, you need to make sure that the foundation is strong. Thus, it is vital that you be choosy while selecting the Soil on which your succulents would be thriving.

Ideally, you need to opt for Soil that is free draining. This would prevent sogginess in the roots of your succulent. A well-draining soil is a way to be.

preparing succulent soil mix

To make sure that your succulents are thriving, invest in a particular succulent soil that includes a mix of all beneficial ingredients. Even if you are making your own Soil, make sure that the ingredients you include are in line with the requirements of your succulent.

Read: best succulent soil mix

Avoid Over-Watering

Plants need to be watered in order to help them survive. Even though this concept holds, it is not entirely true concerning succulents.

Since succulents come equipped to store water within, they do not require frequent watering. Having said that: caution needs to be exercised to avoid overwatering succulents.

If you are confused about when you should be watering your succulent next, there is a thumb rule worth following.

watering succulents occasionally

It’s best to keep an eye on the soil and allow it to dry. Make sure your soil is dry before the next watering session.

By watering succulents in proportion, you will be helping them to thrive and grow better.

Free Room To Breathe:

If you want your succulents to grow well, then it is vital that you give them enough room to breathe. Most plant enthusiasts assume that since succulents find their roots in deserts, it is okay not to expose them to fresh air. However, this is nothing but a myth.

how to care for succulents indoors

It is important that your succulents receive fresh air. Good air circulation is advantageous for the growth of your succulents. Thus, it is important that you allow some time for your succulents to sit in the outdoors and gather natural elements that are a prerequisite for their stable and steady growth.

Cleanliness Is Key

Planting a succulent is not the end. It is only the beginning of a beautiful journey, which you will be sharing with this out-of-the-box houseplant.

In order to make sure that your succulent is growing to its best capacity, you must maintain cleanliness on and around the plant.

With time, it is obvious for the dust to make its way on the leaves of your plant. Do not make the mistake of leaving this dust unattended.

Instead, your priority should be to get rid of this dust. How do you go about it? Simply take a damp cloth and wipe off the dust from the leaves of the succulent.

Rotate Your Succulents Occasionally

Yet another go-to tip as far as caring for your succulent is to rotate your plant at regular intervals. There is complete logic in taking action in this direction.

When succulents are unmoved, only a particular portion of the succulent is likely exposed to the sun. A result of this is your succulent trying to lean towards the sun to get exposure to light.

If you wish for your succulents to stand straight up, you should make sure that you rotate your plant at regular intervals. When you see your succulent leaning, please take it as a sign that it cannot enjoy enough exposure to light, and action needs to be taken.

Watch For Bugs

Yet another interference with respect to the growth of succulents is the problem of bugs. You do not have to worry about pests because they are not a common scenario as far as succulents are concerned.

However, dealing with bugs is necessary. When you spot bugs, you will have to spray 70% isopropyl alcohol in the soil.

It is even better to prevent the occurrence of bugs in the first place. All you need to do is prevent overwatering and over-fertilizing your succulents. These two are a thriving ground for bugs and thus need to be dealt with from the roots.

Read: How to kill mealy bugs on succulents

An Apt Choice Of Container:

If you wish to make sure that your succulent is growing well, you need to be specific about the choice of container in which your succulent will be sitting.

It is advisable to choose a container that is good with drainage. Pot is crucial because succulents do not prefer to grow in waterlogged soil. Thus, the container you select should have a drainage hole to allow the excess water to seep out.

right choice for succulents

If you are confused about the type of container you should be investing in, it will help turn your attention to terra-cotta pots. As a beginner in houseplants growing, specifically succulents, this would make a great starting point for you.

Read: How to choose the right pot for succulent

Easy On The Fertilizers

One critical plant-care tip concerning succulents is the use of fertilizers to boost their growth. The concept of more fertilizers, better are the chances of succulent growing is now an inappropriate concept.

Ideally, you need to go easy on the fertilizer count. Keep things simple and convenient. You need to feed fertilizers to succulents during their growing months. This is between the months of June and August. Once a week, along with the watering activity, you can pass on the fertilizers to your succulent.

Likewise, you need to avoid adding fertilizers to your succulent during their sleeping months. This is the period between December to mid-February. During this time, it will be enough to care for your succulent by only using clean tap water minus the fertilizers.

Have You Planted Your Succulent Yet?

All this while, if you have been considering turning to houseplants, then going for succulents would be an ideal decision to make.

This is because succulents are sure to spoil you for choice. If you were to search a little deeper, then you would be taken aback to bump into a wide array of succulent species that come from different parts of the world.

Precisely, you can find succulents that are available in a varied range of shapes, sizes, colours, and textures. All you need to do is find a houseplant that most calls to you.

With our readily available guide to care for your succulents, you will no more find it difficult to help your plants grow well and thrive.

So what are you waiting for?

Go buy yourself a succulent today.

For more information on succulents, make sure to keep in touch with us at Succulents Greener.

Succulent plants are best known for their exceptional beauty and easy caring. However, its caring is easy than other plants, but a little care is always good for them. Indoors succulents planting and outlook succulent planting both needs different growing environment and care.

Your living space will look beautiful place with the presence of succulent plants. We are here to guide the people who never do planting in life, and when they try, they almost kill the plant every time. Beginners should start succulent planting with a low caring succulent or cacti plant.

You have to prepare every needed ingredient before planting, like a well-drained soil mixture, a pot, and some amount of fertilizer. These are the primary ingredient for succulents when growing them indoors. I planted an Aloe Vera plant when I was only 16. I did it well, so I believe you can do better, but you must understand how to care for succulents.

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